American Occupational Health Conference
Joint Seminar #905
Atlanta World Congress Center
Ron Loeppke, MD, MPH
May 4, 2003
Category: News
Preventing Needless Work Disability by Helping People Stay Employed
Each year, millions of American workers develop health problems that may temporarily or permanently prevent them from re-entering the workforce. In most cases, employees are able to stay at work or return to work after a brief recovery period. However, approximately 10 percent of these workers incur significant work absences and/or life disruptions that can lead to prolonged or permanent withdrawal from the workforce.
Introduction to the New Work Disability Prevention Paradigm
The fundamental precept for physicians is “first, do no harm.” However, physicians in practice see daily the contrast between well- and poorly-managed health-related employment situations and the harm that results. Identical medical problems end up having very different impacts on people’s lives. The differences in impact cannot be explained by the biology alone.
Total Financial Impact of Employee Absences Across the United States, China, Australia, Europe, India and Mexico
The Total Financial Impact of Employee Absences Survey, produced in collaboration with and commissioned by Kronos Incorporated, was designed to measure both the direct and indirect costs of employee absences, including costs associated with payroll, replacement workers, overtime and productivity loss. The survey was administered in several countries, resulting in data for five countries and one region: United States, China, Australia, India, Mexico and the Europe region.
Creating an Effective Workplace Disability Management Program
Absenteeism decreases productivity substantially in Canadian organizations and the economy as a whole. It takes many forms, ranging from casual absences—employees off with minor illnesses lasting one or a few days—to longer leaves of absence.